UKITF Region 7 Queens Jubilee Junior Competition
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On Sunday 27th May Region 7 held a competition for juniors to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee. It was a great opportunity for those who had never competed before to be introduced to the competitive side of TKD.

Glorious sunshine welcomed those early risers who had volunteered to help set up the Trust Hall with mats, chairs, balloons, raffle prizes, refreshments and the "grand" marquee outside.

Supported by a team of degree grades Miss Burridge started the day promptly with the high kick and long kick. The hall was filled with "oooooos" and "aaaahhhhs" as the spectators started to get into the spirit of the day amd "unreachable" kicks were missed or hit.

The prizes for the crown making and cake decorating competition, judged by Marilyn Webb, followed. Frazer Brown won with his royal headgear and Connie McDermott and Ben Chapman took first prizes for their regal cupcakes and cake.

Patterns began with some of the competitors being experienced at local and national level and others stepping onto the mats for the first time. Regardless, each one performed brilliantly and, importantly, really enjoyed themselves.

Unusually for a TKD competition, everything stopped for lunch! We all took to the marquee or sat on the field to take advantage of the sunshine, eat our picnics and relax.

After we had all re-fuelled the competition re-started with sparring. Even though some of the children were sparring for the first time each one took to the floor with great enthusiasm and vigour and showed great potential for the future. Those that had competed before put on a great display for the younger ones.

The power section for 4th Kup and above followed with lots of cheers of encouragement and some impressive breaks from the youngsters.

The raffle was then drawn with the lucky few going home with some great prizes. Finally, the medals were awarded and those that hadn''t been placed were presented with participation medals so no-one went home empty handed.

The eagerly awaited balloon drop followed and lots of red, white and blue balloons were released from the rafters to fall to reaching hands below. After the obligatory balloon fight, during which most balloons were popped, the hall was cleared and returned to its normal state. Many parents new to TKD events commented on what a great day it had been and were all competitions like this?!!!

It was a lovely way to celebrate the Queens Jubilee (the medals reflected this) and a mixture of great organisation, brilliant support, wonderful weather and alot of fun made it a day to remember.

Many thanks to Miss Burridge for organising the day and Miss White, Alison, Billy, Phoebe, Rae-Ann and Ben for their invaluable assistance. Huge thanks also to Glyn and Vin for their technical and manual skills and Salli and Nicky for organising the refreshments and crown and cake competition. Thankyou, also, to all those who gave up their Sunday to come along to help and support. Without you all, the day would not have been such a success or as much fun!


Written by: SGTKD - 27th June 2012

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